Try this Life Balance Exercise

I’m excited to share with you one of the best ways to take inventory of your present life.

As a feminine life coach, I offer this to many of my clients and they are always intrigued with the way they are able to see their strengths and weaknesses. When you try this life balance exercise you’ll bring about insight and postures that you might want to work on for a more purposeful and complete life.

The result will be helpful in gaining clarity of where you are and where you want to go with your life. It only takes just a few moments. I hope you find it helpful and meaningful.



Try this Life Balance Exercise
Try this life balance exercise

I call this the Wheel of Life Balance. It’s a beautiful way to examine and get clear on where you are in your life.
Just follow the directions when you try this exercise life balance exercise by rating yourself in each category. Some categories are generic and you may want to understand what they mean to you as you begin. For example, what does the category “fun and leisure” mean to you? And so forth.


1. Review the 8 Wheel Categories – think briefly about what a satisfying life might look like for you in each area.

2. Next, draw a line across each segment that represents your satisfaction score for each area.

• Imagine the center of the wheel is 0 and the outer edge is 10.

• Choose a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied)

• Now draw a line and write the score alongside (see example above)

IMPORTANT: Use the FIRST number (score) that pops into your head, not the number you think it should be!
Do you have a question? Or other concerns you’d like to address? Contact me here and I’ll reply.