Living Your Intention

Create your personal breakthroughLIVING YOUR INTENTION

If your intention is to plan, grow, evolve, move past your fears, or become more secure, it’s helpful to devise a healthy strategy. Maybe you should consider yoga, meditation, journaling, or simply a daily gratitude exercise.
Some create a strategy to cope to get what they want. This type of strategy works only in the short term until the person becomes too unhappy or feels unfulfilled. Many times a strategy to cope is simply doing nothing. That can actually be a strategy-but is really no strategy, right?
If you are confused on how to avoid, escape, compensate, or distract, such as blaming others or denial, it won’t result in what is really wanted…because the intention is not healthy.
What’s your intention? How do you create a strategy that changes your life? You start by being true to yourself and facing your worries directly. And more.


  • Focusing on your Intention, what you want to achieve.
  • Giving it Attention by creating a plan
  • Creating No Tension by staying true to your plan, never giving up and watching your goal come to fruition.

When I traveled to India, our trip had a two-fold purpose. Working as a volunteer at an orphanage high in the Himalaya mountains and learning mediation and yoga….I lived in an Ashram, ate dinner with the monks in silence, and lived among the beautiful natives in the village of Rishikesh.

I learned how to clarify and express the true and authentic focus for my life by evaluating the most important 5 things that make my life ideal:

You can do this too…simply finish this sentence with 5 different answers. Each sentence starts with when my life is ideal:

  1. When my life is ideal I will write books to motivate women to find their authentic selves.
  2. When my life is ideal I will help facilitate women’s best lives by counseling and coaching.
  3. When my life is ideal I will speak and message to women in support of actualizing their best lives.
  4. When my life is ideal I will be financially independent.
  5. When my life is ideal I will spend time with intelligent and enlightened people.

What are your answers for when your life is ideal?

Grab your phone, a piece of paper, whatever, and write them down. Actually, write more than 5…then simply narrow down the top 5 that are most important to you from the larger list.

Book cover of Women Like Us
Check out Linda’s book, Women Like Us: Illuminating the World