Will You Come Along with Me?

I was born in the Midwest at a time when women wore white gloves and hats and for the most part, a woman’s place was in the home.  Yes, it was the 50’s. My goal as a little girl watching the world around me was to grow up to be like June Cleaver…or Donna Reed.  I truly thought that I would be happy if I were wearing pearls and high heels around the house with an apron trimmed in lace, all the while being loved and cared for by the most faithful of husbands and having two beautiful healthy perfectly behaved children and, of course, a dog. I can still see the white picket that made my dream complete.

When I was a teenager and ready for college, I was told that a girl should become a teacher or a nurse. A faint little voice inside my head was telling me differently. I wanted to travel to New York City and be an actress.  I wanted to play drums.  I wanted to see the world and be a bigger part of it.

By the time I was married at 19, and a mom by age 21…I held on to the dream of the white picket fence and all that came with it. But circumstances can be life’s teacher.  And I quickly realized that I needed to dig deep, persevere and find my own way in my own right. Make my own mark on the world.

Me at 15 years old…living in a small town in Indiana which was my world.

And so I began.  I began to share my story, my truth, in hopes to motivate women who were searching for their voice, too.  I encouraged them to come along with me as we found our way together. Through my career, I had a dream of a foundation to support the work of women.  Yet, one more lesson was to come my way.  The lesson of cancer.  Something had to give. In
my mind’s eye, I laid aside the mission of my life…finding a way to help women make a difference in the world…to stand in their rightful place…to exercise their own power.  And I put that dream in an imaginary beautiful little box way up high on an imaginary shelf knowing that somehow, someday, I would
bring it down, when the time was right, and begin again.  A healthy body would be waiting for me.  And people whom I was yet to meet would be a part of this journey with me.  They would believe in the same mission I believe in and would come along to make it happen.

And, indeed, that day is here. I am here- healthy.  I am here-supporting women’s work in the world.  I am here-championing women who have the heart, soul, and fortitude to see the work that needs to be done in the world and are pitching in. They are here-women who think like I do and believe in the absolute ability that women have to make a difference.

Will you come along with me?